In addition to the numerous Back-Office enhancements specific to each version, this latest version of coog 2.14 offers new tools to complete the insurance digitalization offering!
coog version 2.14 released

A modular, robust solution for creating a personal space dedicated to the policyholder, whatever the insurance product.
Policyholders can consult and manage information relating to their contracts
Contract documents (membership certificate, endorsement, etc.), product documents (leaflet, IPID, etc.), personal information, beneficiaries, risks covered, useful contacts: these are the first functionalities available in the coog B2C Insured Space.
A responsive digital tool with customizable graphics
GraphQL for new consultation APIs
coog’s digital tools are designed to perfectly meet our customers’ expectations
As users of the APIs we’ve selected and made available to our customers, we’re faced with the same challenges in terms of usage.
This user experience has enabled us to design this new GraghQL Customers consultation API.
Firmly focused on the future, it guarantees that users can :
- Make precise requests corresponding to their needs, and nothing more
- Easier API evolution over time
- Optimize development
Oct. 8, 2021 Release notes
coog Back-Office
Third party
- Add configuration to disable phone number validation
- Add ‘No further action’ for draft endorsements
- Creation of additional third-party data endorsements and management of propagation on covered items
- Addition of an optional ‘Date’ parameter to the ‘Quota of another guarantee’ rule, enabling the insured quota to be retrieved at a date other than the calculation date (e.g. contract inception date).
- Improved performance when applying loan endorsements
- Management of external loan identifiers
- Resend NOEMIE request after Social Security number change
- Record information on the corresponding third party in the event of a claim with recourse against a third party
- Issue event logs when calculating, checking benefits and closing claims
- It is now possible to enter accruals for dates that cut across existing periods
- Addition of a rule enabling automatic validation of periods validated at the check stage
- Addition of ‘User’, ‘Creation date’ and ‘Reason for refusal’ fields to the benefit control wizard.
Withholding tax
- Enable calculation of the number of rejects from unpaid months for withholding tax
- Possibility of manually creating withholding tax requests in the event of exceptional catch-ups
- Parallelization of the withholding tax payment process to improve performance
- Create event logs following issuance of compensation receipts
- Enter the business type of the receipt on the description of accounting movements of receipts
- Sort and group dunning notices to be processed by third party
- A reminder level can be set to apply only to terminated contracts: the reminder period runs from the day on which the contract is terminated.
- Enable technical logging on bank accounts to view changes made
- Display all lettering lines in the ‘Payment lines’ field, to make it easier to understand how the receipt is paid.
- Issuance of a ‘Dé-lettrage’ event when a receipt changes status from ‘Paid’ to ‘Issued’.
- New optional validation step when creating payments
- New option in the payment journal to group payments (bank transfers and/or direct debits) by reason: this makes it possible to have a specific bank transfer strip for broker payments and another for benefit payments.
- SEPA messages generated are now saved by default on disk rather than in the database, for optimization purposes.
- Activate the technical history of SEPA mandates to be able to consult modifications made
- Addition of a specific cancellation journal to isolate cancellation entries
- Ability to choose the format of the aggregate description field according to the associated line, accounting transaction or journal.
- Addition of a new function for aggregating commissions in the commission slip: this aggregation enables commissions associated with the same commission, rate, contract and guarantee protocol to be merged.
Desktop publishing
- Preview attachments directly from the application
- Management of reasons for non-compliance on requested documents
- Add user who initiated document production requests to associated list view
- Added choice of separator on CSV outgoing mail templates
- Possibility of generating asynchronous printouts for all mail templates, manually by the user and with no additional configuration (for mails that may take a long time to generate, in order to give the manager more control).
Rules engine
- New function for adding working days to rules engine functions
- Display of rules engine algorithm checksum to ensure at a glance that settings are identical between two environments (even on different versions)
- Addition of a user group that will not be modified by the anonymization script, so that when a database is transferred from one environment to another, the accounts (login/password) of these users are retained.
- Ability to extract CSV export templates in JSON format
- Enriching the configuration with additional selection data
- List the business objects concerned by a batch operation to enable a batch operation to be restarted by copying it and modifying the list of business objects concerned.
- Relaunch failed operations in a batch run
- Possibility of forcing batch parameters set by environment variable via the application
coog API
- Implementation of new query APIs based on a GraphQL query language and runtime environment
- Addition of two new APIs: management of contract termination and ineffectiveness via rider mechanics
- API for receiving documents
- API for adding a required document to a contract in the process of being underwritten, an endorsement or a claim
- Improved API errors displayed to the user
- Management of API subscriptions with a commercial identifier on contracts
- Addition of currency code and average premiums to simulation API schedule summary
coog Front-Office
coog Portal B2B Distributor Portal
- Introduction of a forgotten password management system: a comprehensive mechanism enabling users to reset their password independently, intuitively and securely.
Espace Assuré coog B2C
- Objective: to offer a modular and robust digital tool, enabling the creation of a personal space for the policyholder, whatever the insurance product.
- The Insured can consult and manage information relating to these contracts
- He can also complete the underwriting of a contract independently
- Examples of available details:
- Contract documents (membership certificate, rider, etc.)
- Product documents (information leaflet, IPID, etc.),
- Personal information
- Beneficiaries and risks covered
- Or, Useful contacts
- Technically, this new coog solution comprises three components:
- The API Gateway extension, which opens up new API routes dedicated to the Insured Area.
- The Headless CMS, which integrates a connector enabling communication with the coog Back-Office via the API Gateway extension.
- And finally, the Insured Space, which is responsive, working equally well on computer, tablet or smartphone.