coog version 24.14 released

April 09, 2024 Release notes

Prime developments from coog advance in this new version 24.14! A regulatory topic integrated into the product roadmap as part of the new coog advance premium upgrade offer, and which has been implemented by coopengo since the first quarter of 2024: 3-click termination.

Discover the latest developments in coog’s major cross-functional feature: task management.

coog advance

Functionality reserved for customers who have subscribed to the coog advance premium upgrade package.


Termination in 3 clicks

Context: implementation of the decree on the technical modalities for terminating contracts electronically.

Online cancellation must be possible if, on the day of cancellation, the contract can be concluded electronically (as soon as the insurance, mutual or provident institution offers online subscription to one of its products, cancellation in 3 clicks must be available).


Configuration of reasons for cancellation available in the context of 3-click cancellation

New “Configuration self-care” tab in Companies

Delivery of a new termination-specific rider in 3 clicks, with the option of configuring the requested documents

New rider delivered by default

Delivery of a new task type and scope of activity

New default task type

New activity field delivered by default

Delivery of three APIs:

  • Product descriptionAPI to return possible reasons for termination and associated document types,
  • API for returning third-party contracts based on the information entered,
  • API for creating cancellation request tasks.

3-click cancellation request integration mechanism: following validation of a cancellation request by a policyholder (individual contract) or a company (group contract), a task is automatically created in coog, along with a cancellation rider in draft form, enabling the user to carry out checks before validating the rider.

Job content received by API

coog Back-Office

Transversal functions

Task management

Enhanced functionality for distributing management activities, storing documents and indexing them.

Addition of activity fields

Business need: facilitate distribution by team, but also record activity-specific elements in the task.

Example: a link to a claims file for the claims activity, a link to a contract for the contracts activity.

Business needs: simple access to tasks by status, assignment and business activity scope, for an overview of what needs to be processed.

Evolution of the entry point with the addition of new tabs

Business need: identify tasks whose qualification has been completed and which can be assigned.

Add “To be assigned” status

Business need: define the data required to set a task to ‘completed’ status, in order to guide users’ work.

Add activity fields and validation rules for task status transitions

Add “Linked attachments” and “Tasks” linked records to different objects

Business need: easy access to tasks and attachments linked to a business object, to quickly search for information.

Add a linked record to add actions to the toolbar

Business need: add a button in the toolbar to display attachments for tasks linked to the currently displayed object.

Example: from a claim record, display the attachments of the various tasks in the claim area linked to this claim.

Business need: to be able to search for all tasks according to certain criteria.

Added contract, third party and claim fields to the task list view so that these fields can be searched.

Add a batch to archive tasks

Implementation of task creation API and task repository (types and channels reception).

Business requirement: to be able to create a task via API and add one or more attachments to it, so that they can be stored in the coog tool.

Business requirement: automatically create a task when certain events occur, such as the integration of rejected transfers.

Add one action per event type to create tasks

Business need: restrict access to certain tasks according to the team to which the user belongs.

Use the team concept to restrict the visibility of a field of activity


Support La Poste’s hexasmal repository to update zip codes


Creation of two postal address loading batches for :

  • Retrieve updated information from the La Poste repository via the API and generate a file,
  • Load a repository file, whether manually deposited or generated from the repository call.


Search by policyholder by entering the name directly in the quick search bar

Evolution: it is no longer necessary to use the filter criteria in the Contracts and Group Contracts entry points to search for a policyholder.

Issue Madelin certificate at end of tax period

Evolution: when the period type for periodic reports is “Last fiscal year”, it is possible to choose a batch execution date.

Enhancing the schedule with risk analysis


Display surcharges linked to risk analysis on schedules, pending customer feedback. These modifications can be retrieved from the desktop publishing module.


Claims reporting batch added

Business requirement: every first working day of the month, it is necessary to retrieve the previous month’s claims statistics.

Evolutions :

  • Creation of 2 batches to generate statistics files,
  • Delivery of a mail template.

Display of bank accounts for pre-existing payments in the context of a claim

Evolution: change the behavior of the “Bank account” field on indemnities to display the account on which the benefit payment was made.


Added settings for automatic calculation of breakdown rates


In self-billing, a receipt is generated, the amount of which is equal to the total amount collected. This amount is then allocated to the various guarantees by means of a rate. Until now, this breakdown rate was calculated manually by the user.

Upgrade: automatic calculation based on the rate schedule.


Manual processing of rejected payments


This enables the actual date to be entered when processing rejected payments manually. A control is also activated to prevent the entry of dates in the future. By default, the current date is displayed.

Modify the accounting date of a rejected payment with the date of rejection (SEPA)


When integrating SEPA rejection files (camt054), the rejection date is the direct debit date.


Use of the rejection creation date contained in file camt54 to populate the direct debit rejection date. If this tag is missing, the date of the file integration will be used.

New action added to payment logs

Evolution: addition of the “Re-present N day after rejection” action following a direct debit rejection.

Civil service

Implementing the Caisse des Dépôts Group pension deduction format


The Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFiP) has launched a program to restructure the Service des Retraites de l’Etat (SRE) in 2021. The 17 Centres de Gestion des Retraites (CGR) responsible for controlling and paying pensions managed by the SRE will be grouped into 4 CGRs. With its missions unchanged, the SRE is committed to simplifying and concentrating its payment network. As part of this process, the SRE has launched a project to overhaul its pension payment IS. It has been decided to pool the payment IS of the SRE “PEZ” and the Caisse des Dépôts Group “OCAPI” (Outillage du Calcul des Allocations, Pensions et Indemnités) into a single tool.


Screenshots from the coog thin client

Creation of an OCAPI payment journal type

Creation of the OCAPI withholding pension payment method

Batch chains dedicated to the creation and integration of OCAPI payment rejects


Automate fiscal year creation

Evolution: a batch has been added to create fiscal years.

Simplify and automate the creation of tax years

Improved log period renewal wizard

Evolution: when renewing periods, coog now displays the periods created by the wizard.


Desktop publishing

Search and replace code inserted in ODS files

Evolution: as with ODT files, it is now possible to search for hyperlink tag values in mail templates and replace them with new values, without having to create a new mail template.

Rules engine

Two new functions have been added to the rules engine to calculate indemnities linked to a particular injury or event

  • montant_indemnise_prejudice_assure_terme(prejudice,date), which lists all indemnities for an injury code passed as a parameter
  • montant_indemnise_evenement_assure_terme(event,date) which includes all indemnities for an event code passed in parameter

Addition of a rules engine function returning the distributor’s code: code_distributeur()

Addition of functions in the rules engine for required documents

Evolution: added the functions donnee_document_contrat and donnee_document_assure to the rules engine, so as to be able to retrieve the answers given in the corresponding questionnaires and trigger the request for additional documents.

Document types added to rule engine parameters

Evolution: “Document types” tab added, enabling you to drag & drop the desired document code directly into the rule.

Evolution of the _re_number_of_covered_elements function

Business need: to enable the management of contribution statements for subsidiaries’ group contracts.

Context: a function is needed to retrieve the number of elements covered by the client’s subsidiaries.


This function takes into account two optional parameters:

  • Code of the risk descriptor to be considered (its variants will be taken into account if applicable),
  • Date on which the item must be covered in order to be taken into account.

Addition of a parameter to the rules engine function nombre_total_jours_indemnisation_personne_couverte to filter types of injury.

Evolution: enhancement of the existing function for entering a list of injury descriptor codes.

New rules engine function added: base_premium_and_over_premium_other_guarantees

Evolution: a new function has been added to return the amounts of premiums for parametrized coverages with surcharges included.

Technical core

Improved performance of contract recalculation and requalification batch

New contract recalculation batch

Adding functional parameters to the requiter batch

New batch chain for verifying entry points (menus) and views


Creation of verification batches:

  • Entry points,
  • list and form views and fields/buttons present on the view.

Add batch and wizard to check directory paths

Evolution: creation of a batch and a wizard for checking paths or input/output directories.



Enable a failed batch operation to be restarted manually as many times as required.

Context: when a batch was in error, it was blocked after three executions.

Evolution: it is now possible to manually restart a batch with no limit on the number of executions.

Information on last chain executions added to batch plan configuration screen


Several additions to the batch plan configuration screen:

  • Icon showing status of last chain execution,
  • Date of last run OK,
  • Button to open last run,
  • Linked record (relate) from the batch plan configuration to the last batch runs in the chain.

More precise handling of file import batch execution

Evolution :

When a record in the SEPA rejection file cannot be integrated, this does not block the integration of the other records. Technically, the file is split into several extracts.

New item SEPA file extracts

Restart Celery from coog


In production environments, it is often necessary to restart Celery (e.g. to unblock a long processing / following a database connection failure). At present, it is necessary to go through a complete delivery process, with the deployment delays that go with it.

Evolution: it is now possible to perform this action directly from coog.

Addition of a text field to inspect Celery’s active tasks from coog

Evolution: in the “Celery Status” menu, a new “Active Tasks” tab has been created which will launch Celery’s inspect active command.



coog supports user authentication to an external service via the SAML protocol for Google / ADFS authentication providers. For the moment, only authentication of existing users is supported.


Creation of increasingly secure tools for migration runs

Evolution: within the framework of migration runs, coopengo’s methodology is evolving thanks to the creation of batches that make counts and verifications available to user-clients directly from the coog application.

Creation of a first batch to feed an HDS database in intermediate format (staging) from files deposited by coog users on sftp directories


Addition of a wizard for purging and deleting migration tables on the intermediate database

Creation of several migrator batches for loading data into coog

Underwriting category added to risk descriptions


With the addition of risk descriptor variants, it is now possible to functionally separate risk descriptors.

However, automatic initialization of the first risk covered does not work when there is more than one risk descriptor configured on the product.


A new category has been added to automatically feed the risks covered by a contract.

The “Principal” category will be the default risk descriptor on contracts. Other risks covered will be of the “Secondary” type.

coog API

API: Added support for MongoDB ReplicaSet

Evolution: Creation of an environment variable to ensure compatibility with the old MongoDB connection method

GraphQL Image contract API extension (B2B) with list of bank accounts for covered items

Addition of supplementary data, local plan and health information for third parties and elements covered in GraphQL B2B and B2C models

Extract the list of contracts/quotes linked to a distribution network, as well as the contracts of the distribution node’s children.

Business need: consult contracts by distribution network code.